Content of the Delivered Product

Installation of Up ! Application System

Checking the Content of the Product

Before begining the installation of Up ! Application System, you should check that it exists a version-revision corresponding to the right version-revision of the operating system and that beholds the drivers for the version-revision of the third technologies that you would use.

If it exists a difference, we do not commit a correct working of Up ! Application System. We give then you the advice to contact Up ! Company that will you find a solution.

Required Harware

Colateral Software

The licenses of Up ! Application System do not include the licenses of C++ compilers, Java compilers, middle-wares, etc.

Installation Process

Here is the installation process:

Up ! Application System may be installed for one user - single-user mode - or for several users - multi-user mode.

In multi-user mode, it is possible to share and to consolidate the configuration of Up ! Application System for several users. The administration of Up ! Application System is by this way easier. This is done through the groups of work.

Execution Environment of Up ! Application System

To work, Up ! Application System need several environment variables that are detailed hereafter. Theres variables must be correctly set.

UPS_DOCUMENTFolder of installation of the documentation. The value is optional.c:\ups\upsdoc
UPS_HOMEFolder of installation of Up ! Application System.c:\ups\upsaps
UPS_LANGUAGEExecution language of applications.
You choose Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian or Spanish.
UPS_NLSList or folders where we look for the resources of programs.
The folders are separeted by semi-colon on Windows and a colon on other platforms.
Each folder must contain a sub folder corresponding to supported languages.
UPS_PATHList or folders where we look for the dynamic modules.
The folders are separeted by semi-colon on Windows and a colon on other platforms.
UPS_USERName of the user when Up ! Application System is used in multi-user mode.myuser

Here is the place of these environment variables:

MacintoshInto the environment variables of the system that are declared into the profile of the user.
Os 400Into the environment variables of the system that are declared into the profile of the user.
UnixInto the environment variables of the system that are declared into the /etc/profile or $HOME/.profile file.
WindowsInto the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\UpCompany\Ups register.
Z/OsInto the environment variables of the system that are declared into the profile of the user.

Architecture of Up ! Application System

Up ! Application System is built on:

Common Architecture Shared by All Applications

Folder ${UPS_HOME}/doc

This folder contains the documentations of Up ! Application System. The main file is index.html.

Folder ${UPS_HOME}/demo

This folder contains a tree of application development with Up ! Application System in multi-user mode.

Forlder ${UPS_HOME}/ini

This folder contains the configurations of Up ! Application System programs and also the future configurations of programs that you will develop. A configuration file has an ini extension and beholds some sections identified by a keyword between brackets.

If the version of Up ! Application System works in multi-user - the UPS_USER environment variable is set -, then there is a sub folder per user. The configurations proper to a user are store into ${UPS_HOME}/ini/${UPS_USER} and not into ${UPS_HOME}/ini.
In the previous example, there is a user named monutilisateur.

Folder ${UPS_HOME}/log

This folder contains the execution logs of Up ! Application System programs and also the future execution logs of programs that you will develop. An execution log file has a log extension.

When the Up ! Application System programs are executed in debug mode, the trace files are stored into this folder. An execution trace file has a map extension.

If the version of Up ! Application System works in multi-user mode - the UPS_USER environment variable is set -, then there is a sub folder per user. The execution log files proper to a user are stored into ${UPS_HOME}/log/${UPS_USER} and not into ${UPS_HOME}/log. In the previous example, there is a user named monutilisateur.

Folder ${UPS_HOME}/upsnls/upsnls

This folder beholds:

Folder ${UPS_HOME}/upsorb/upsorb

This folder beholds the directories of Up ! Application System persistent programs that you will develop. A Up ! Object File persistent file has the uof extension.

Folder ${UPS_HOME}/upssec/upssec

This folder beholds:

Standardized Architecture for Each Application

Folder upsaba

This folder is owned by the Up ! Advanced Business Applications Programming module. It contains:

Folder bin

This folder contains the executables of the application and also their dynamic modules - Dynamic Linked Libraries or Shared Objects according to the platform.

Folder demo

This folder contains the sources of examples of programs written in Up ! 5GL. These examples correspond to the ones quoted into documentation.

Folder interfaces

This folder contains the interfaces of Up ! Application System modules. It contains especially the definition of the native and standard modules of Up ! 5GL.

If you will develop some new modules, their interfaces will be stored by default on this folder.

Folder objet

This folder contains the objects files coming from a compilation. It contains a sub folder by user.

Folder sources

This folder contains the source files of Up ! Application System modules that are interpreted. It contains a sub folder per user.

Folder tmp

This folder contains the temporary files coming from the generations, compilations or executions. It contains a sub directory per user.

Folder upscmp

This folder is owned by the Up ! Compiler module. The folder only exists if you will use a development version.

The proper files to Up ! Compiler are:

Folder upscom

This folder is owned by the Up ! Component Object Module module. It contains:

Folder upscrb

This folder is owned by the Up ! Corba module. It contains:

Folder upsjav

This folder is owned by the Up ! Java module. It contains:

Folder upsnls

This folder is owned by the Up ! Natural Language Support module, the multi-cultural manager of Up ! Application System.

It contains a sub folder per supported language. This sub folder containts the messages files with the nls extension.

Folder upspsq

This folder is owned by the Up ! Programing Language / Structured Query Language module. It contains:

Folder upssoa

This folder is owned by the Up ! Single Object Activation Protocol module. It contains:

Configuration of Up ! Application System

Usual Configuration of the Environment Variables

The usual configuration of the environment variables is the following:


The values of the environment variables must fit with the setting of the installed modules. To ease the set-up, it exists a script into the ${UPS_HOME}/upsins folder per type of platform.

If UPS_USER is set, then Up ! Application System switchs to the multi-user mode.

Declaration of Installed Modules

The configuration of the installed modules is declared into the ${UPS_HOME}/ini/${UPS_LANGUAGE}/upsmmr.ini file. It is proper to each installation and is then shared by all the users.

You must set it to declare the adaptors and the drivers you want to use. For further precisions, you will be pleased to refer to the page introducing the parameters of Up ! Modules Manager.

Configuration of Applications

The applications are delivered with a preconfiguration. You don't need to modify these files for a first use.

Here are the the main files to set the applications:

Up ! Component Object Module upscmr.ini
Up ! Common Object Request Broker Architecture upscrr.ini
Up ! Electronic Data InterchangeNil.
Up ! Java upsjav.ini
Up ! Modules Manager upsmmr.ini
Up ! Natural Language Support upsdgn.ini
Up ! Network upsnet.ini
Up ! Query upsdb2.ini
Up ! Software Development Kit upscmp.ini
Up ! Virtual Business MachineNil.
Up ! Virtual Technical Machine upsaps.ini
Up ! WorkbenchNil.