Extensions used by Up ! Application System

Extensions used by Up ! Application System

Here is the list of extensions used by Up ! Application System.

Some are classical extensions. Others are specific to Up ! Application System.

aStatic library for the Unix platform.
aviVideo to the Audio Video (AVI) format from Microsoft.
batScript of commands for the Windows platforms.
bmpPicture to the Bitmap format from Microsoft.
cSource of a C program.
cppSource of a C++ program.
Class of a Java module.
cssStyles sheet to the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) format from World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
csvExchange to the Comma Separated Value (CSV) format.
dllDynamic library for the Windows platforms.
idlInterface Definition Language for the Corba or ActiveX objects.
eExportations of a source file of a C program.
ediExchange to the Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT) format from United Nations.
exeExecutable for the Windows platforms.
gifPicture to the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) format CompuServe.
gzArchive to the Gnu Zip format.
hHeader of a source file of a C program.
hhHeader of a source file of a C++ program.
htmlDocument to the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) format from World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
idcExchange to the IDoc format from Sap.
iniInitialization of a program.
Source of a Java program.
Picture to the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format from Ibm.
libStatic library for the Windows platforms.
logLog tracing the activity of the program or a task.
mapExecution trace while activating the Debug parameter.
mp3Sound to the Mpeg Layer III (MP3) format.
Video to the Motion Jpeg (MPEG) format.
msgMessage to the Rfc 822 format.
nlsLinguistic resources for Up ! Natural Language support.
nltThesaurus for Up ! Natural Language support.
pclDocument to the Print Code Language (PCL) format from Hewlett Packard.
pcxPicture to the Pcx format from ZSoft.
pdfDocument to the Portable Document Format (PDF) format from Adobe.
potModel of document to the Power Point format from Microsoft.
pptDocument to the Power Point format from Microsoft.
prfExecution profile produced by Up ! Profiler.
psDocument to the PostScript format from Adobe.
rtfDocument to the Rich Text Format (RTF) format from Microsoft.
soDynamic library for the Unix platforms.
Picture to the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) format from Aldus.
txtDocument without a format.
uarArchive to the Up ! Archive format.
ueiData interchange of Up ! Electronic Data Interchange to the binary format.
ugnStyles sheet of Up ! Graphical Engine to the binary format.
ulgLog memorizing the modifications made into a persistent warehouse.
umlData intrchange of Up ! Mail Service to binary format.
uobDirectory of Up ! Object Request Broker to the binary format.
uofArchive memorizing some objects of a persistent program.
upcVector-based picture of Up ! Picture to the binary format.
upiInterface of a component or a module written in Up ! 5GL.
uplSource of a component, a module or a resource written in Up ! 5GL.
uscSecurity or licenses profile of Up ! Security Manager to the binary format.
uwfArchive keeping the objects of a persistent warehouse managed by Up ! Object Management System.
uscSecurity archive of Up ! Security Manager.
wavSound to the Wave format from Microsoft.
xlsDocument to the Excel format from Microsoft.
xltDocument model to the Excel format from Microsoft.
xmlDocument or exchange to eXtended Markup Language (XML) format from World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
zipArchive to the Z Lib format.