/*------------------------------------------------------------------- Fichier : /tmp/java/org/compiere/model/PO.java.java Objet : Source de la classe org.compiere.model.PO. Module : Auteur-Date : Fichier genere par Up ! Idl for Java Extractor version 4.0.0. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Observations ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package org.compiere.model; /****************************************************************/ public abstract class PO extends java.lang.Object implements java.io.Serializable , java.util.Comparator , org.compiere.util.Evaluatee /* class org.compiere.model.PO */ /****************************************************************/ { /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Proprietes. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Constructeurs. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ public PO(java.util.Properties ctx); /* Constructor. */ public PO(java.util.Properties ctx, int Identifier, java.lang.String P3); /* Standard constructor. */ public PO(java.util.Properties ctx, java.sql.ResultSet rs, java.lang.String P3); /* Load constructor. */ public PO(java.util.Properties ctx, int P2, java.lang.String P3, java.sql.ResultSet rs); /* Load constructor. */ public PO(java.util.Properties ctx, org.compiere.model.PO P2, int P3, int P4); /* Constructor through a copy. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Methodes. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ public int compare(java.lang.Object P1, java.lang.Object P2); /* Compare two objects. */ public org.compiere.model.MAttachment createAttachment(); /* Create a document attached to the object. */ public boolean delete(boolean force, java.lang.String whereClause); /* Delete objects. */ public boolean delete(boolean force); /* Delete this object */ public void dump(int Index); /* Dump the column given by its index into the log file. */ public void dump(); /* Dump the object into the log file. */ public boolean equals(java.lang.Object O); /* Compare to this object. */ public final int getAD_Client_ID(); /* Get client identifier. Linked to parent X_AD_Client. */ public int getAD_Org_ID(); /* Get organization identifier. Linked to parent X_AD_Org. */ public static int[] getAllIDs(java.lang.String TableName, java.lang.String WhereClause, java.lang.String OrderByClause); /* Get all identifiers of the records of the table. */ public org.compiere.model.MAttachment getAttachment(boolean requery); /* Get the document attached to the object. */ public org.compiere.model.MAttachment getAttachment(); /* Get the document attached to the object. */ public byte[] getAttachmentData(String extension); /* Get the data of the document attached to the object. */ public final java.sql.Timestamp getCreated(); /* Get the date when the object was created. */ public final int getCreatedBy(); /* Get the identifier of the user who created this object. Linked to parent X_AD_User. */ public java.util.Properties getCtx(); /* Get the context of this object. */ public int getID(); /* Get identifier of this object. */ public int getIDOld(); /* Get old identifier of this object. */ public byte[] getPdfAttachment(); /* Get the content of the Pdf document attached to this object. */ public final java.sql.Timestamp getUpdated(); /* Get the date when the object was updated. */ public final int getUpdatedBy(); /* Get the identifier of the user who updated this object. Linked to parent X_AD_User. */ public final int get_ColumnIndex(java.lang.String Column); /* Get the index of the column given by its name. */ public java.lang.String get_TableName(); /* Get the table name. */ public java.lang.String get_TrxName(); /* Get the transaction name. */ public final java.lang.Object get_Value(int ColumnIndex); /* Get the value of the column given by its index. */ public final java.lang.Object get_Value(java.lang.String ColumnName); /* Get the value of the column given by its name. */ public java.lang.String get_ValueAsString(java.lang.String ColumnName); /* Get the value of the column given by its name as a string. */ public final java.lang.Object get_ValueDifference(java.lang.String ColumnName); /* Get the difference of value of the column given by its name before and after been updated. */ public final java.lang.Object get_ValueDifference(int Index); /* Get the difference of value of the column given by its index before and after been updated. */ public final java.lang.Object get_ValueOfColumn(int Index); /* Get the value of the column given by its index as an object. */ public final java.lang.Object get_ValueOld(int Index); /* Get the value of the column given by its index as an object before been updated. */ public final java.lang.Object get_ValueOld(java.lang.String ColumnName); /* Get the value of the column given by its nale as an object before been updated. */ public java.lang.String get_WhereClause(boolean withValues); /* Compute the SQL where clause according the properties of the object set */ public final boolean isActive(); /* True if IsActive property is set. */ public boolean isAttachment(java.lang.String extension); /* True if there is an attachement with the extension. */ public boolean isPdfAttachment(); /* True if there is an attachement with the Pdf extension. */ public boolean is_Changed(); /* True if the properties of the object was changed. */ public final boolean is_ValueChanged(int Index); /* True if the property of the object was changed. */ public final boolean is_ValueChanged(java.lang.String ColumnName); /* True if the property of the object was changed. */ public boolean load(java.lang.String WhereClause); /* Load the object. */ public boolean lock(); /* Logical lock of the object. */ public boolean save(java.lang.String WhereClause); /* Update the table with the WhereClause. */ public boolean save(); /* Update the object. */ public final void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID); /* Set organization identifier. Linked to parent X_AD_Org. */ public static void setDocWorkflowMgr(org.compiere.model.DocWorkflowMgr DocWorkflowMgr); /* Set the document Workflow manager. */ public final void setIsActive(boolean IsActive); /* Set the value of IsActive property. */ public final void set_CustomColumn(java.lang.String ColumnName, java.lang.Object Value); /* Set the value of column given by its name. */ public void set_TrxName(java.lang.String TrxName); /* Set transaction name. */ public final void set_ValueOfColumn(int Index, java.lang.Object Value); /* Set the value of column given by its index. */ public java.lang.String toString(); /* String representation. */ public boolean unlock(); /* Logical unlock of the object. */ }